“DPN is incredibly good at offering funded courses and the variety of courses on offer is excellent.”
Chloe, digital design training
“The course has been brilliant, fantastic tutor. I think it is definitely going to help my business and I have found learning this new skill great. I would most definitely recommend to anyone wanting a website.”
Gemma, WordPress website training
“This course has been invaluable for my business. I finally feel like I am developing the skills to design and manage my own website which will transform the way I work and totally refresh my business image online.”
Caroline, WordPress website training
“I found the tutor and staff at DPN very friendly, helpful and professional and I'd heartily recommend the website training for anyone starting their own business. I’ve been in business for over 15 years, but have always paid someone to do the website for me. I have now learnt the skills to build my own website and to manage it on a day to day basis. Five star!”
Lorraine, WordPress website training
The WordPress module was excellent. Delivered exactly what I wanted – a website fully functioning with appropriate looks, feel and navigation. I am also able to now update and manage the site by myself.
Andrew, WordPress website training
“I enjoyed this high quality course – it felt very valuable for future work and professional development. Great Tutor – attentive and knowledgeable. Good at managing varied learning styles and abilities of group – Thank you!”
Gillian, desktop publishing training
“A great opportunity to learn and I didn’t even have to pay!”
Carole, maths training
“The course was very good. The level of tuition was just right. Very detailed and allowed for the fact that the students needed individual help on occasions. I would recommend this course.”
Kathryn, Photoshop training
"DPN are awesome! Great lessons and lovely people!”
Kat, Apprentice