The overall objective of this project is to reduce the number of early school leavers and NEETs by sharpening their motivation and entrepreneurial skills. Young people work in entrepreneur hubs in small groups on their own business idea, which can develop into a pop-up or a real business. The entrepreneur hubs are set up by schools or local authorities. Teachers, entrepreneurs and other professionals’ coach and guide young people who work on a corporate idea. Characteristic for this project is that young people develop an entrepreneurial idea that meets the needs in their own neighbourhood. In this way they learn and contribute to the quality of life in the area where they live or go to school.
13 project partners from four countries are working together on this project. Artevelde University College coordinates the project. The project partners are: the city of Amiens, Center Social Salengro (Armentières) and Association de Centers Sociaux de Wattrelos from France; Jong Ondernemen and PRO WORK Foundation from the Netherlands; Educational Center of the city of Ghent, Economic House of the city of Ostend, Cluster Welfare within the city and OCM Sint-Niklaas from Flanders; Bournemouth University, WSX Enterprise, Digital Peninsula Network and Devon Mind from England.
SPEED-You-UP is a social innovation project within the INTERREG 2 Seas program.
The project is financed at Artevelde University College with funds from the Interreg 2 seas program and PWO funds.
The project website contains lots more information, news and tools and discussion.