Media Folder:
Digital Peninsula Network runs Network Cornwall, Cornwall’s network of professional and business women, which enables business women across Cornwall to communicate with each other promote their businesses and collaborate.
If you are a woman working in Cornwall, you can benefit from Network Cornwall. This unique network, exclusively designed for professional women based in the county, is a fantastic tool to stay connected with more than 11,000 professional women across Cornwall on a daily basis.
Join the network and benefit from a wide range of advantages, including:
- support
- advice
- recommendations
- job opportunities
- networking events
- advertisement and marketing opportunities.
Don’t miss out on this amazing network which will help you make your business a success.
To join, or find out more, please visit www.networkcornwall.net
Power of the Network: I recently sent out a request for a German Translator – within 20 minutes, I had several positive replies, within the week I had my translation. Power to the Network!
P. Philips
A big thank you to Network Cornwall for the help and business sent my way from you ladies! My Christmas vouchers have been a huge success and a lot of this has been through you ladies of the Network. I really appreciate your help and business and I am more than happy to return it.
H. Morcom