Digital Peninsula Network (DPN) and Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change (CN4C) are working in partnership to deliver a 3-year project, Digital Boost Cornwall.
The project will provide individuals and businesses across West Cornwall with access to free digital skills training and support for job seeking as well as upskilling and hiring additional staff for businesses.

What is Digital Boost Cornwall?
This project will help individuals across West Cornwall develop valuable skills in digital work practices (including remote working tools, using social media for employment and business, building websites, etc.) to improve their chances of gaining sustainable employment. Participants will benefit from a personalised approach to suit their training needs alongside support with job seeking, interview techniques, and other soft skills.
Digital Boost Cornwall will help businesses clarify their business vision and identify how improved digital capacity will help them achieve their business objectives through attending one of our digital skills business courses. A substantial barrier to growth in young businesses are the risks in taking on new employees. This project will support businesses with a thirteen-week 50% wage subsidy to employ an unemployed/inactive individual who has undertaken digital training (subject to eligibility).
Digital Boost Cornwall – For Businesses
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funding will support growth in small-to-medium businesses by helping them develop the digital capacity required through access to funded training.
As digital skills can be interpreted in many ways, we have developed a variety of training programmes to support local businesses thrive in the current climate. All of these are aimed at increasing your digital skills and online presence (e.g. social media marketing or training to build your own website).
All businesses in the programme will have a minimum of 15 hours business support in the form of business development courses and the opportunity to access a thirteen-week 50% wage subsidy to employ an unemployed/inactive individual who has undertaken digital training (subject to eligibility).
Digital Boost Cornwall – For Individuals
European Social Fund (ESF) funding will support participants recruited by Cornwall Neighbourhoods for Change. This project will be specifically supporting those that are unemployed or seeking basic digital skills.
A package will be agreed to support participants including training in soft skills such as teamwork, problem solving, interpersonal skills etc.
All participants will attend digital training which will be designed to build upon underlying skills which the learners need to acquire to increase employability.
Participants may then be supported into work with participating employers. All participants moving into employment will be signposted to other free digital training opportunities.