| Digital Peninsula Network

Dead interesting Productions releases new Helston Flora Day 2008 documentary

Filmed by DIP's Emlyn Harris over three months, 'The First Dance' follows Alex, a young lad who is to dance for the first time at Helston's Floral Day, and details the preparation of the town for this very special occasion.

The film was shot in high-definition video and converted to web video using the latest Flash technology and DIP's in-house digital conversion suite to deliver DVD resolution, low bandwidth web video. DIP's web video will play smoothly even on a 512Kb broadband connection and, as 98% of computers have the free Flash player installed, the video simply plays in the web browser, automatically.
For more information about how Dead interesting Productions web video could enhance your products, please see our video packages page or contact us.
The First Dance' - Flora Day, 2008 documentary...
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