| Digital Peninsula Network

Data Protection Fraud

Member Bob Nott has the following warning: <br /> "We recently received a letter from "Data Protection Agency Services" telling us that we should register under the Data Protection Act and send them a cheque for £95 to do so or face prosecution. The letter may give the impression that it is from a government body. It is not.<br /> Luckily we remembered that we were already registered and checked with trading standards. This company is known to them - visit <a href="http://www.dpr.gov.uk/donotbemisled.html">http://www.dpr.gov.uk/donotbemisled.html</a> for more information.<br /> <br /> Remember, it only costs £35 to register directly with the Information Commissioner's Data Protection Register (you can do so online). There is no need to go to a third party such as "Data Protection Agency Services" to pay £95 for the same service."

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