| Digital Peninsula Network


<b>SW Film Studios</b><br /> There will be forthcoming opportunities on productions coming to Cornwall and South West Film Studios are interested to receive CVs of crew members with experience in film, tv, commercials or music promos who are within daily travelling distance of the studios. All categories are of interest. Please could you send these as soon as possible to South West Film Studios, St Agnes, TR5 OLA or email to info@southwestfilmstudios.com They will also be lodged with Creative Kernow.<br /> <br /> <b>SW Screen</b><br /> SW Screen is updating their Crew and Services database with a view to putting everything on-line as a searchable database. If you haven’t been in contact lately with your most recent credits, or if you’re not on their database at all, then get in contact now. The new on-line database should be available sometime in the New Year. <a href="mailto:sue.craig@swscreen.co.uk">sue.craig@swscreen.co.uk</a>

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What's On This Month Digital Peninsula Network website banner, St Michaels Mount Cornish background. Online digital skills training for small businesses
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What's On This Month Digital Peninsula Network website banner, St Michaels Mount Cornish background. Online digital skills training for small businesses
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What's On This Month Digital Peninsula Network website banner, St Michaels Mount Cornish background. Online digital skills training for small businesses
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