| Digital Peninsula Network


Creating Excellence – the South West's Regeneration Centre - promotes learning and improves skills in regeneration and renewal by creating new links between professionals and communities. There are four key areas in which creating excellence operates: · Promotes efficient use of funding resources and encourages all those with an interest in funding to work more closely together. · Promotes and develops services which make networking in the region more effective and efficient. · Encourages learning in regeneration and renewal. This will provide lasting benefits for people and communities - by enabling opportunities for sharing information and know-how, and learning new skills. · Stimulates best design in a built environment which meets the needs of individuals and communities, both now and in the future. What this means in practice is that Creating Excellence provides easy access to advice and information on what works in regeneration and renewal.

The creating:excellence website offers a host of invaluable resources through a searchable database including; other projects, news stories, events and training. As a registered user, you can also submit details of your project. Visit www.creatingexcellence.org.uk for more information and to register.

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What's On This Month Digital Peninsula Network website banner, St Michaels Mount Cornish background. Online digital skills training for small businesses
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What's On This Month Digital Peninsula Network website banner, St Michaels Mount Cornish background. Online digital skills training for small businesses
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What's On This Month Digital Peninsula Network website banner, St Michaels Mount Cornish background. Online digital skills training for small businesses
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