| Digital Peninsula Network

Craft Surgeries

Creative Kernow's craft advice surgeries take place on Wednesday, February 2 at North Cornwall Arts, College Road, Camelford. These offer help with all aspects of setting up and running a crafts business with free advice and support now available on the first Wednesday of each month. <br /> <br /> Appointments necessary, email crafts@creativekernow.com or contact Julie Davies, crafts development manager on 01872 271923. (thisiscornwall) <br /> <br />

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What's On This Month Digital Peninsula Network website banner, St Michaels Mount Cornish background. Online digital skills training for small businesses
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What's On This Month Digital Peninsula Network website banner, St Michaels Mount Cornish background. Online digital skills training for small businesses
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What's On This Month Digital Peninsula Network website banner, St Michaels Mount Cornish background. Online digital skills training for small businesses
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