| Digital Peninsula Network

Cornwall Visual Arts and Crafts Forum - Eden Project - Wednesday 16 March 12.30 - 3.30pm

The next Forum will take place at the Eden Project on Wednesday 16th March from 12.30 to 3.30pm. The subjects of the meeting will be artist led initiatives, education in schools and marketing; Artists Sue Bleakley and Alessandra Ausenda will be talking about the role of PALP (Penwith Artist Led Projects) and Penny Macbeth will discuss her experience as a artist working in schools. In response to requests for information about marketing, Vanessa Langley and Charlie Riley, marketeers with Cornwall Arts Marketing will be giving a presentation about marketing the arts.<br /> <br /> The aim for the regular Forum meetings is to provide an opportunity for open discussion, networking and information exchange within the visual arts and crafts sector in cornwall. The evaluation we undertook in March has given us useful feedback and we would like to take the opportunity of the Forum meeting to broaden the discussion around the purpose and delivery of future meetings. If you wish to attend the Forum, please contact Lis Spencer, Assistant Officer Visual Arts and Literature on 01392 229278 or email: lis.spencer@artscouncil.org.uk (Creative Skills)<br /> <br />

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