| Digital Peninsula Network


When does a lawyer ever answer your questions free of charge?!<br /> <br /> On Thursday 8th September, 5.30 - 8.30pm at Follett Stock, Truro Business Park, Threemilestone.<br /> <br /> In association with Follett Stock, Cornwall Media Focus are holding a legal workshop with Cornwall based media lawyer Lucy Morgan.<br /> What's the best type of company to form to develop my media business - a limited company? A limited liability partnership? Something else?<br /> <br /> How can I ensure my brilliant creative ideas are safe and retain the intellectual property rights I need to grow a sustainable business?<br /> <br /> What sort of issues should I be aware of if I'm working on adaptations or real life material?<br /> <br /> What are the key production agreements I need to have in place?<br /> <br /> What if I want to sell the poster, T-shirt, soundtrack, cuddly toy - what can I do about merchandising rights?<br /> Are any of the above questions that you would like answered? If so, let us know. We only want to talk about the subjects you request. So send us your questions and we'll structure the general content of the event around those.<br /> <br /> <br /> Depending on the level of enquiries, there may also be a chance for a short one-to-one session with Lucy.<br /> <br /> If you don't have a particular legal niggle, then why not join them for a drink anyway and meet others working in film TV and new media in Cornwall?<br /> <br /> This event is free to Cornwall Media Focus members (register for free at www.cornwallmediafocus.co.uk) and £5 for everyone else.<br /> <br /> To book your place, email office@cornwallfilm.com with your name and questions<br />

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What's On This Month Digital Peninsula Network website banner, St Michaels Mount Cornish background. Online digital skills training for small businesses
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What's On This Month Digital Peninsula Network website banner, St Michaels Mount Cornish background. Online digital skills training for small businesses
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What's On This Month Digital Peninsula Network website banner, St Michaels Mount Cornish background. Online digital skills training for small businesses
Come see the digital training DPN has on offer throughout March and April!