| Digital Peninsula Network

Cornwall Film Festival - Call for Volunteers

Can you spare some time to help with this year’s Cornwall Film Festival from 14 – 16 November in Falmouth?<br /> If so, come to an induction session to find out more at Falmouth Arts Centre, 24 Church Street, Falmouth in the Chellew Room (upstairs in the gallery)<br /> on Monday 3rd November at 7pm<br /> This year’s Cornwall Film Festival will take place from 14 – 16 November in Falmouth, and offers something for everyone – over 80 great Cornish films in every genre; masterclasses by industry legends Stephen Frears and Stephen Evans, hands-on workshops, screenplay readings, premieres of Love Actually (the new blockbuster from Richard Curtis), Wondrous Oblivion and Fubar, the 1946 classic Mevagissey-set Johnny Frenchman, and much much more…<br /> From experienced projectionists to first time festival crew, we want you! <br /> Email Pippa at <a href="mailto:director@cornwallfilmfestival.com">director@cornwallfilmfestival.com</a> to register your interest<br /> Visit the website for more information on the festival <a href="http://www.cornwall-film-festival.co.uk">www.cornwall-film-festival.co.uk</a>

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