| Digital Peninsula Network

Cornwall Film Festival: Best of the Fest 2006 Screening

As a precursor to this year’s festival there will be a special screening in the Regal Cinema, Redruth, of the Best of the Fest from 2006. This prestigious event will showcase 16 fantastic films, made by Cornish film makers, of all ages, ranging from 9 to 90, which demonstrates the wealth of home-grown talent we have here in Cornwall.

Regal Cinema, Redruth, 13th September 2007, 6pm - 9pm

Come and be entertained

refreshments and a light buffet will be served between 6pm and 7pm.

RSVP to Abbie on 01209 204655 or info@cornwallfilmfestival.com

Seats are limited so please reply and reserve your seat by, Friday 7th September.

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