Businesses often don't have the required skills to look more strategically at their products and services, and to develop realistic business and marketing plans. Having an external specialist to come in and provide help and advice can often act as the necessary catalyst to enable growth to happen.
The Business Volunteer Mentors programme (BVM) is a DTI supported national programme that places Business Mentors into businesses that need this type of help and advice. There is no charge to the business for this support as it's offered free at the point of delivery.
BVM provides access to a wide range of specialists drawn from a variety of business and professional backgrounds that can help support the survival and growth of both small and medium sized enterprises in the Plymouth area. Most of these are current business people who are prepared to give up some of their own time to help others.
The service is entirely confidential and there are no upfront costs and no hidden costs.
For further details of how businesses can access the benefits of the Business Volunteer Mentor programme visit the website