| Digital Peninsula Network

Are South West companies making the most of Globalisation?

Globalisation can be a good thing for the economy - how can we take advantage of the opportunities it presents? Lord Digby Jones, Minister of State for Trade and Investment at the Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, will be leading a discussion around this question at a seminar on 18 March at HP Labs, in Bristol.

18th March, HP Labs, Bristol
New research into the impact globalisation is making on the South West economy will be published. It will be followed by a debate chaired by Jane Henderson, Chief Executive of the South West of England Regional Development Agency (RDA).
Nigel Jump, the RDA's chief economist, said: "This is a fantastic opportunity to shape the south west's economy for the future opportunities, and threats, that globalisation presents. I'd urge everyone with an interest in unlocking the region's business potential to take part in this event."
Businesses who would like to attend the conference should email swdebates@southwestrda.org.uk

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